Statistical Model
3.1. Statistical Model#
Learning Outcome
Students will be able to write and implement generative models for situations ranging from simple one-sample problems to more complex settings.
Sample Tasks
Generate data from standard probability distributions such as the binomial distribution, the Poisson distribution, the normal distribution, and the gamma distribution.
Draw a graphic (histogram / density estimate) to describe a sample of data.
Write a statistical model that includes both structured components and stochastic components such as a simple linear regression model with normal errors, a multiple linear regression model, or a logistic regression model.
Generate data from a complex statistical model.
Write a statistical model that includes more than one stochastic component such as a mixed model for linear regression.
Our first readings, from Computational and Inferential Thinking [ADW21], discuss ideas of randomness and generating data from a distribution using a simulation.
Reading Question
One of the examples generates the number of Heads in 100 coin tosses. Which of the follow distributions does this number follow?
Our second readings, also from Computational and Inferential Thinking [ADW21], discuss generating a distribution from data using sampling.
Reading Questions
What does it mean for a distribution to be empirical?
What is the Law of Averages?