5.4. Sampling Bias#

Learning Outcome

Students will be able to cite sampling bias in its various forms.

Sample Tasks

  • Identify data which is “cherry picked.” That is, selecting data that supports a particular position while ignoring relevant contradictory evidence.

  • Characterize a sample of data influenced by nonresponse bias and explain that this bias is influenced by the salience of a study or its social appeal.

  • Explain and pinpoint studies that could be affected by interviewer bias or from a voluntary response sample.


Our first reading is two entries from Wikipedia desribing different types of biases.

Reading Questions

  • What is survivorship bias?

  • What is Berkson’s fallacy?

Our second reading, from Learning Data Science [LGN23], describes four of the most common types of biases.

Reading Question

  • Do you fill out surveys?

    • Which type of sampling bias does that affect?

Our third readings, from Wikipedia, describe a type of bias that occurs for sensitive questions, and a technique to alleviate it:

Reading Question

  • Applying the method of randomized response:

    • Did you have sex with a prostitute in the last month?